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In case you’re feeling rejected . . .

Writing Sisters

The process of writing and publishing includes rejection as part of the process. God uses rejection to help us clarify and refine the vision of our work. This painful experience and how we handle it can determine the course of our life’s work. God is very interested in our work.

When I handle my rejection as a spiritual matter I bring God in to the solution.

Three steps are presented in Andy Stanley’s excellent book Visioneering, using Nehemiah as a model for handling criticism. We go back to these steps in times of rejection and criticism.

1. Pray

“Criticism strikes an emotional chord in us. The emotion must go somewhere. To reflect it back to critics is to play their game. To bottle it up inside can result in depression or ulcers. Another option is to dump it out on someone completely unrelated to the situation: spouse, friends, employees…

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Katharine is a writer, speaker, women's counselor, and professional mom. Happily married over 50 years to the same gorgeous guy. She loves cooking amazing homegrown food, celebrating grandbabies, her golden-egg-laying hennies, and watching old movies with popcorn. Her writing appears at Medium, Arkansas Women Bloggers, Contently, The Testimony Train, Taste Arkansas, Only in Arkansas, and in several professional magazines and one anthology.

12 thoughts on “

  1. It was a good post.
    Thank you for sharing it.
    Are you? I’ve been missing you everywhere and wondering about you.
    I don’t know if we’re always on the same page or not, but we’re always in the same Book and it feels funny without you.

    1. Hey, Debbie! I’ve not been up to my usual tricks, have I! It’s sort of a combination of too much to do, and a sort of deer-staring-into-the-headlights panic about it all. Decided to vacuum, mow, iron, etc., and avoid too much busyness. Have a new grandson. Youngest son is graduating, starting a new job, and marrying in quick succession, with the wedding to be several hours from us. Church responsibilities are becoming reality, more and more. Eye doctor. Time-consuming reaction to some meds. You name it. Staying in the Book, though! You knew. Thanks for that. 🙂

  2. Hi friend, just dropping by to say “hi”. Did you send me an email that i may have lost??? I apologize … as i remember there was something long and beautiful, and my email address is my OVERALL address: meaning work and personal. Makes it difficult to keep things straight.

  3. This was very good. We all look forward to your blogging again soon, when the Lord opens the opportunity again.

  4. Katharine, my twin-friend. You have been in my thoughts and prayers a lot lately. I see above that things have been busy and you have been zooming from pillar to post. It has been busy here too—-and i often feel like i am slogging through wet cement. My students have about 3 full weeks left before moving on to their summer school or summer tutoring schedules. I find myself pre-occupied this week…so i understand your busy time and the running around. eager to catch up whenever you have the time. love to you—-

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