Posted in Coffee-ism, Health, Herbs, Who's the mom here?

Seven Steps to Stop the Sneezing!

I have noticed it’s that time of year again–lots of searches leading to this one again.



Itchy eyes, ears, nose, throat; runny eyes, nose; stuffy nose; and cough are just a few of the delights that visit us each year, if we are among the pollen afflicted.

It’s Fall Fever. This is a made-up name for the Fall malady that corresponds to Hay Fever which happens in Spring.

And it makes us feel like yuck.

Outside of chemicalizing oneself half to death, what can a person do?

I have found several ways to beat autumn’s ragweed, and I’d love to share them with you.

  1. The first thing I do is eat honey all year long.
    Stop Sneezing steps pollen seven stepsNot just any honey will do. It must be raw, as in uncooked. If the label isn’t boasting, the honey probably isn’t raw.
    It also must be native, as in: from the area where you live. Even better is from someone you actually know exists.*
    Why? Honey contains minuscule flower parts in various forms, and eating it daily helps me beat my pollen allergies, like an immunization.
  2. Outside of honey, I avoid all sugars.
    Sugar kills immunities, especially the super-processed sugars.
  3. I take vitamin C. A lot.
    Vitamin C is supposed to help with the body’s immunities, so is what I need. Also, for me, the things I’ve read about Vitamin C acting as a mild antihistamine are true.
    They say you can tell how much you need when you develop loose stools. They say to cut back a bit if that happens. I usually take 1000-2000 milligrams per day, in divided doses.
    (Addendum to the 9/13 posting: One teenager I’ve recently met had sneezing so bad that his nose would bleed regularly. After only two 500 mg doses of Vitamin C, he stopped with both symptoms. Now he uses only one dose per day for upkeep.)
  4. I wash my face a lot, and even rinse my eyes with artificial tears.
    Every time I feel the pollen effect, I wash it off. Notice the above magnified photo of pollen: It looks prickly like cactus. No wonder it bothers sensitive tissues!
    After washing, I apply a coating of lotion, or even make-up, to my face to make a barrier between my skin and pollen. That also helps me.
  5. I stay indoors and keep windows shut.
    I know, some cannot do this, but remember, the pollen is out there, not in here.
    (Addendum for 9/13: This is especially true during the hours from mid-morning to mid-afternoon.)
  6. If I find myself still miserable, I use heat on my face.
    I run a basin of hot water and dip water from it with a washcloth to hold on my face, renewing as it cools. Or I stand in the shower with hot water spraying on my face.
    Do NOT scald yourself!
    It takes 10 or 15 minutes, but this wet heat draws out the histamines in my body. Histamines are what cause allergic reactions, what anti-histamines circumvent. As the heat applied to my face draws out the histamines, my face is itchy and my nose grows stuffy. When that itching stops, all the histamines my body could produce are out. Most bodies cannot produce any more for 4 to 8 hours.
    That’s hours.
    Of no itching, sneezing, stuffy nose, watery eyes, etc. It’s plenty of time to take a nap, go to a restaurant, or visit a friend like a normal person.
  7. If I happen to become wheezy, I drink hot coffee.
    Coffee is supposed to be a good emergency substitute for asthma drugs. I don’t have asthma, but hot coffee helps me breathe when the pollen count is high.

There you have it: what I do instead of taking pills. Sometimes, when it really is tough outside, I have to add pills to my regimen, but not often.

I love not being tied to chemicals, all drowsy or else wired to the sky.

*I’m sure it would shock you to learn that it is quite legal for our honey to have corn syrup in it in large percentages, and for it to come from any country in the world. So stick with a local, known source.

Note for 8/10/13: So many folks have searched and found this page using the terms “sneezing first thing in the morning” I’ve decided to add my opinion, for what it’s worth.
I have noticed that the body shuts down some responses and reactions during sleep. Perhaps you have had the experience of sleeping through a loud storm or sleeping with a headache. It probably is a merciful mechanism that allows us sleep in spite of life’s difficulties.
I have noticed that when I am really sick with a cold, I might cough all night, and that might be good, but once I begin to recover, I also begin sleeping more peacefully, which I am sure also is good. However, on those mornings, I must cough lots to make up for lost time.
Could it be that sneezing is the same? We don’t sneeze at night, so we can sleep, but then comes the morning? Just thinking out loud, here.


Katharine is a writer, speaker, women's counselor, and professional mom. Happily married over 50 years to the same gorgeous guy. She loves cooking amazing homegrown food, celebrating grandbabies, her golden-egg-laying hennies, and watching old movies with popcorn. Her writing appears at Medium, Arkansas Women Bloggers, Contently, The Testimony Train, Taste Arkansas, Only in Arkansas, and in several professional magazines and one anthology.

32 thoughts on “Seven Steps to Stop the Sneezing!

  1. I’m glad I came across your blog. This is very helpful and I will try a few of your tips. I always sneeze early in the morning and I hate it. Thanks for sharing your tips!

    1. Hey, Daffobelle, I am so glad this has helped you! Welcome to Home’s Cool! 🙂
      The reason you sneeze first thing in the morning probably is because of 8 hours of sleeping, being very still, so pollen or dust or spores can accumulate.on your face. The face-washing trick ought to be just what you need! Hope you get some serious relief! 🙂

  2. Thanks a lot. I thought I was allergic to my facial foam because right after I wash my face I start sneezing. I change my brand with glycerin and hypoallergenic ingredients, clean the room and wash the bedcovers but to no avail Lately, I start sneezing right after I get off bed… I will try your tips on constant face-washing, honey and vitamin c. I am positive on Vitamin C, I guess and hope it works for me! 🙂

    1. It really could be anything, but if it is pollen, dust, or spores, these tricks give me relief. I truly hope you figure it out soon! 🙂
      Addendum 10/1/13: It might have more to do with timing, too. It might be more about how awake your body is or how many minutes it might take for your body to recognize the allergens. I know when I first go outdoors, I have no symptoms, but later, sometimes after I come back indoors, is when I begin having symptoms…

  3. Thank you Dr. Katharine!! We have the bees and I’m trying to convince hubby to take some late honey now because the ragweed, sedum, queen anne’s lace and all have got me in a mess. I love honey and have it year round but need what’s being stored NOW. I take 1000 mg of Vitamin C every day and have to take a allergy pill every day to keep away the vertigo. Hot wet compresses really open up my head as do saline sprays for the nostrils. I think my worse culprit is our cocker spaniel sleeping with us after being outside running on the farm all day but I love her and she does make me happy so I’ve started wiping her coat down at night before we head to bed. It seems to help a little!!

    1. You know, I should have mentioned the indoor/outdoor pets, here. You are likely right that the dog is bringing in lots of pollen, mould, and spores.
      If you think you could teach her to enjoy a vacuuming of her coat every night, that might help even more. They make comb attachments for vacuums, that are for pets.
      Another thought is to provide a jacket or sort of sleeping bag — pajamas, if you will — to contain some of the particles, if the dog would tolerate that. Or if she sleeps still, even a light blanket over her would block lots of drift.
      Just thoughts.
      Sleep well, Friend!

  4. Helpful suggestions, Katharine! My husband hates this time of year, and I hate that he’s popping pills to feel better. Appreciate this.

  5. Lots of good advice here. A hot shower is the best for a stuffy face. I don’t have problems with allergies… I might get sick like you’ve described once every two or three years. I do get a seasonal runny nose, and that’s usually all. Hot showers and hot tea (with local honey!) are the best things for a runny nose.

    My sister and dad are allergy sufferers, poor things. We had a cottonwood tree in our front yard for a few years before my dad finally had it cut down–just couldn’t stand it. I will pass along this advice to them next time they complain about allergy symptoms! The hot water on the face bit seems like the easiest to do–you’re already in the shower.

  6. Oops! I also meant to say that I was so happy to see a new post from you. I have missed reading here and on your other site, especially the “Sent on Saturday” posts.

  7. Oh, it is good to be back! I know I was really long in recovery from all the activities, and I need to do so much, here, but my friends are so forgiving! I love that about them. Yes, I am missing one of the Saturday posts at The Conquering Mom, and hope to find it before this Saturday! 😀
    Thanks for your kind words, here. 🙂

  8. I didn’t know the hot water trick…that’s just cool.

    I have had a lot of success with Essential Oils, too. 1 drop of therapeutic-grade lavender swabbed up each nostril with a q-tip works to stop sneezing. 1 drop of therapeutic-grade peppermint underneath each cheekbone, and one more across the forehead helps drain sinuses. The lavender can also be dabbed on in a wide circle around the eyes to relieve itching.

    Then, I make my “miracle” concoction of wintergreen, cypress, peppermint, and lavender, and apply it to the second toe of each foot, and inhaling it from my cupped hands. Totally amazing results!

  9. Hello, LLLOC, thanks so much for this great comment, and WELCOME to Home’s Cool! 🙂 Hope you enjoyed your visit!

    Yes, many of these tips work well for colds, too, but few think to apply them to regular ol’ hay fever. 🙂

    You’ve got me to thinking–I should make a page just of general health tips. Thanks! 🙂

    1. Yes, real pollen, although I think the color is added and may not be true to life. I am excited that this content helped you! That is the entire goal! 😀
      And WELCOME to Home’s Cool! I hope you keep on reading!

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