Posted in Homemaking, Recipes

Don’t Can in the Fall?

Some of the best canning I know of happens in the fall.

I love canning quick breads to use for fancy fun, such as those delicate get-togethers where our mothers used to wear white gloves and hats, where the napkins are real and the butter is whipped and the goodies are all made from scratch.

And the tea is hot, not iced, and there is no coffee.

I love to make pumpkin bread and can it for later use. It keeps for months on the shelf, in a jar, in a pantry, without preservatives. And it tastes great, even six months later.

What I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE about this bread is:

  1. The bread is round, and therefore somehow nicer for those la-dee-da gatherings or for when you just want to feel better about … things. 🙂
  2. The bread is over-the-top moist.
  3. The bread is super easy to slice thin and straight if you pull it out of the jar slightly and use the rim of the jar as a cutting guide.
  4. The bread makes an amazing and welcome gift.

The trick? Just follow these instructions and have fun.

You will need:

  • A good recipe for pumpkin bread. (Mine follows.)
  • All the ingredients for the recipe.
  • Six or seven straight-sided, wide-mouth, one-pint canning jars.
  • Flats and screw bands for the jars.
  • A pan of hot water for the flats.
  • Fork or magnetic flat lifter.
  • Canning funnel.
  • Sharp, non-serrated knife.
  • A sturdy, shallow pan with a rim, such as a pizza pan or jelly roll pan.
  • One damp cloth.
  • One totally dry, thick towel.
  • Plenty of pot-holders or oven mitts.
  • An oven.

You will NOT need:

  • Nuts
  • Raisins
  • Any other such lumpy things in the recipe, no matter how much you may love them in your bread, if you want it to keep a long time. If you want it for tomorrow, lumps are fine.


1, Collect your stuff. Set oven for 350 degrees.

Jars like these.
Jars like these.

2. Make the batter. (Recipe follows instructions.)

Batter is ready.
Batter is ready.

3. Load the jars about half full, or a bit more.

Use funnel for neatness. Neatness counts.
Use funnel for neatness. Neatness counts.

4. Place loaded jars on sturdy pan and very carefully set in oven for about 15 minutes or until done. Use toothpick test for doneness.

Ready to bake.
Ready to bake.

5. While bread bakes, prepare lids: Boil water and place lids in it, then remove from heat. Do not boil water with lids in the water. Have screw bands, mitts, and both towels ready.

Ready to can the bread.
Ready to can the bread.

6. Remove one jar from oven, individually, and set on dry towel. Quickly trim bread that has risen beyond top of jar with sharp knife. Quickly wipe rim free of crumbs and grease with damp towel and add lid and screw band.

Risen too tall. Trim.
Risen too tall. Trim.
Hide trimmings in your tummy!
Hide trimmings in your tummy!

7. Repeat with each jar, individually. Jars should seal almost immediately.



Sift together into large bowl:

3 1/3 cups plain flour
2 tsp. baking soda
1 1/2 tsp. salt
1 tsp. cinnamon
1 tsp. nutmeg
3 cups sugar

Quickly add, and stir in only until dry ingredients are moistened:

4 eggs
1 1/2 cups canned pumpkin
1 cup melted butter
2/3 cup water

Proceed with instructions above to can pumpkin bread.

IMPORTANT!: Do not add nuts or raisins or any other chunks, if you want this bread to keep a long time. Chunks will not become hot enough to be sterile, in this situation. If you want to use these immediately, chunks are fine!

We are going to love fall this year!

Much later: It loosens easily and slices breezily. Mmm!
Much later: It loosens easily and slices breezily. Mmm!

(This post listed on “My Hot Kitchen” . Lots there to drool over…)


Katharine is a retired home educating mom who writes about all things “woman”, from a Godly viewpoint, here on this site, and at The Conquering Mom.  Her writing appeared in several magazines for 15 years, and she is currently working on several books. She loves to write, speak, teach, cook, garden, spoil her hennies, and watch old movies with popcorn.


Katharine is a writer, speaker, women's counselor, and professional mom. Happily married over 50 years to the same gorgeous guy. She loves cooking amazing homegrown food, celebrating grandbabies, her golden-egg-laying hennies, and watching old movies with popcorn. Her writing appears at Medium, Arkansas Women Bloggers, Contently, The Testimony Train, Taste Arkansas, Only in Arkansas, and in several professional magazines and one anthology.

21 thoughts on “Don’t Can in the Fall?

  1. Reblogged this on The Faery Inn and commented:
    I am totally going to try this within the next couple of weeks! Some of you might be getting punkin’ bread for Christmas! Just sayin’…

    1. Oh, it’s one of my favorite. Works for applesauce or banana, too, if you make sure to run the fruit through the blender a bunch. NO LUMPS ALLOWED!

      And thanks a million for the reblog! 🙂

  2. my friend, i have made this on a regular basis ever since you taught me how. I love having these on my shelf, not only for my family, but to tuck into a food basket for a family in need of a meal due to family crisis or illness. Great gifts, too.

  3. I have never canned anything before. I’ve had plans to do it, even bought all the canning stuff but never got around to doing it. I had no idea you could can bread. That is great and something I am adding to my “learn to can” list.

    1. Wow! Well! If you have wide-mouth pint jars, and the flats and screw bands that fit them, you could do this! It’s only a teensy bit more to do than simply baking muffins. 🙂

      Thanks for commenting! And Welcome to Home’s Cool! 🙂 Hope you visit again, soon. 🙂

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